
My first landing

Chuck was in the back of the plane, and Russell was in front instructing me on how to land. We were going to land at West Houston Airport, and it would be my first landing! Russell coached me through the process as we approached the airport. In the traffic pattern, both Chuck and Russell were giving me instructions about various things I needed to fix.

I made all the turns, and was on final approach. Well, by that point, you either got it or you don't, it's not the time for further instruction. But they were still trying to give me pointers!
"No, don't flare too high"
"Watch your airspeed"
"You have to slowly pull back"
Enough, I thought. "Everyone be quiet! I'm trying to land an airplane!"

And they were quiet, as I concentrated. And I landed, and everything was awesome. My first landing! Phew, that was over. (Russell probably had to help me a bit at the controls, but I don't remember.)

Funny that I had to tell my instructors to be quiet, as if they didn't know that it took concentration!


  1. Also funny that "Everyone be quiet, I'm trying to fight a dragon!" etc. doesn't work so well on my parents when I'm trying to beat a boss in a video game. Same difficulty, but the response is usually "I think it's time for you to quit playing that game now."

  2. LOL! Yeah, that may not work with your parents =P
